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Pillowcases Donation for Kids & Troops
Collection of Pillowcases

Pillowcases Donation for Kids & Troops

The Heart Room

Regular price $5.00 Sale

I love to make pillowcases! In fun prints, in cool fabrics, designs and just something quick and easy to do.

I also love to give back to those that need.  I know there are a few organizations that are giving pillowcases to children with cancer and those are amazing (Ryan's Cases for Smiles) but I wanted to reach more children on a broader level. Each pillowcase is affixed with a card that says it was handmade and donated in honor of the purchaser.

I decided to offer a donation option. For $5 (roughly the cost to make one) you can buy one of my handmade pillowcases and i will send it to an organization that needs to brighten up any child's day, week or year.  I have found a group of ladies that has chapters all across the country helping children in need, disabled, terminally ill or displaced and have chosen to send them my pillowcases to them to distribute as needed.

I also work with a woman, Cindy, at who sends pillowcases to our troops for some love an support. 

I also have another listing for donating blankets to baby's, toddler's and veterans. I also am in the process of making lap blankets for nursing homes because they need love and cuddles too.


If you have any question's or even need a large donation for your organization, please send me a message and we can discuss further.


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